We'd love your feedback for our next set of books that sing!

We'd love your feedback for our next set of books that sing!

January 13, 2024

We had so much fun bringing to life new Spanish, Italian, French and Ukrainian books that sing over the last year and exposing our kids to these beautiful languages and cultures! This year, we hope to introduce a few new languages and build on the collections that we currently have. We'd love your feedback so that we're featuring your (and your little one's) favorite songs and improving our books with each iteration! 

If you have 3 minutes, please take one of these quick surveys to help us make books that you and yours will love!

Share your suggestions for our first set of German language books!



Share your suggestions for our next Ukrainian language book!



Share your suggestions for our next Italian language book! 



Share your suggestions for our next Russian language book! 




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