Punny Italian Language Valentine's Day Cards!

We're so excited to introduce these adorable and punny Italian language Valentine's day cards as a free printable to help celebrate the day of love and friendship!
Our amazing illustrator Elettra who has brought to life our Italian books that sing created these beautiful illustrations to bring our love notes featuring animal puns to life!
These would make the perfect Valentine's day treat for a classroom, for a lunch note to stick in your little one's lunch box, or for a note to send snail mail to a friend or loved one!
Pair it with a book that sings in Italian or your favorite Italian candy like Galatine to make it extra sweet! We'd love to know what your favorite Italian treat is... reply to this note and let us know! We'll have a special giveaway soon with an opportunity to win something yummy and would love to include a fan favorite!
Download it for free on our fun treats page!
Ti auguro una squi(t)sita giornata! (I wish you an exquisite day!)
Ti voglio bene asssssai (I love you very much)
Sei veramente beeeeeellissima! (You are truly beautiful!)
Sei più dolce del miele (You are sweeter than honey)
Ti voglio davvero un sacco di bene! (I love you a lot!)
Il mio amore per te è più forte di quel filo di una ragnatela (My love for you is stronger than the thread of a spider web)