24 Days of Spanish Language Christmas Books

'Tis the season to be merry!! And there's nothing like a sleigh-full of holiday books to get us into the holiday spirit! Whether you'd like to pull together your own advent calendar with Spanish language books or you're looking for a handful of Spanish stories to enjoy during the holiday season, we have the list for you! We've put together a list of 24 lovely children's books - all in Spanish - and all with themes that are perfect for the holidays. They're a combination of Spanish language board books, picture books, and chapter books. We've tried to pull a combo of books that are originally in Spanish as well as translations, and please be sure to let us know any others you have enjoyed! Hope you enjoy these 24 days of Spanish language Christmas books!
Spanish Language Holiday Board Books
1. El reno gruñon
El reno gruñon is a board book that helps kids learn about the importance of caring for our friends and practicing kindness. The grumpy reindeer scares all of the other reindeer away with his grumpiness only to discover that being all by himself isn't always super fun. The lovely holiday message plus the beautiful illustrations make this a fun one for toddlers!
2. Osito Tito ¡Feliz Navidad!
Osito Tito ¡Feliz Navidad! is part of a wonderful series for the littlest ones. These board books have lots of different things to turn, slide and interact with so this is the perfect addition to your baby or toddler's holiday bookshelf. This particular one features the story of Osito Tito being Santa's helper so a super cute way to introduce your little to the holidays.
3. Mis primeras canciones de Navidad - My first book that sings in Spanish - Christmas edition!
This may be my very favorite of our books that sing in Spanish! Holiday music is just an instant mood lifter for me, and I love every single one of the 6 Spanish Christmas songs that are featured in this song. Mi burrito sabanero is probably my favorite, but I love love love peces en el agua too! What's your favorite? This board book is sure to get your little one singing, learning and in the holiday spirit!
4. ¿Dónde esta el regalito navideño de bebe?
This series was one of our littles' favorites because of the lift the flaps! They loved looking for baby's belly button or gift! ¿Dónde esta el regalito navideño de bebe? is a fun Spanish language edition and easy to find on Amazon!
5. Clifford: La Primera Navidad
The loveable big red dog is a great addition to your little one's holiday bookshelf!
Spanish Language Holiday Picture Books
6. Un buen chocolate
Madi, Romerina and Carlita are just about to enjoy some delightful hot chocolate when someone knocks on their door. When even more guests arrive to escape the cold, Romerina has a hard time sharing. This is a lovely story that touches on lots of the loveliness of the holiday season - the beauty of sharing and the warmth of a shared hot chocolate. Un buen chocolate is one of our most worn and torn! It's available on Amazon but a bit pricey, but this website has it at a more affordable price.
7. La carta para Papa Noel
For the first time in years, Santa accidentally loses a letter and is devastated when he learns that a little girl has gone without her gift. He takes a trip to take his mind off of the disappointment, and we discover through the lovely surprise ending that the little girl got exactly what she wanted. La carta para Papa Noel is a super sweet book we reread every year. Also easy to find on Amazon for bonus points!
8. La Navidad del Camioncito Azul
The lights at the end of La Navidad del Camioncito Azul make this a hit! The translation is not quite as good as the original, but if you're looking for something fun that'll make your little one happy and incorporate some Spanish into their day, this is a great option!
9. Como el Grinch Robo la Navidad
Bringing out How the Grinch Stole Christmas is one of my favorite holiday activities. I'm not that big of a fan of all of the Dr. Seuss books, but I am mildly obsessed with this one. The translations are really tricky, but we still grab Como el Grinch Robo la Navidad from the library when we can and enjoy reading it seasonally!
10. Llego la Navidad, David
This is another fun Christmas book to check your library for! At our library, it can be a bit easier to find popular books that have been translated into Spanish. Check out yours to see if they may have Llego la Navidad, David! Santa has to decide if David's behaving well enough to get a firetruck... or if he's got a bag of coal coming.
11. Como esconder un león en Navidad
Como esconder un león en Navidad is part of such a fun series that my kids loved when they were a couple of years younger (3-4ish). I love the illustrations and the kids get very giggly at the idea of a pet lion! You can find this one used on Amazon for a pretty good price!
12. Feliz Navidad, Elmer
If you love the multicolored elephant, Elmer, you'll love this Christmas book in the series! Elmer has a special holiday treat for the young elephants, but they have to keep quiet to be able to get it... can they handle all of the excitement?
13. La Navidad de Lulú
We first discovered the Lulú series at the Texas Book Festival a few years ago. Our first Lulú book was so fun because it had lots of flaps and interactive elements. La Navidad de Lulú is a bit shorter but still has some fun interactive elements - it's great for ages 1-3! I always love a series though because they often help little ones get excited about reading as they get to follow the character to another book.
14. El Festín de Navidad
I love a book with a surprising twist at the end, and this one delivers! El Festín de Navidad is the story of a wolf, fox and weasel who plan to have a holiday turkey. The turkey has other plans!
15. El Copo de Nieve
El Copo de Nieve is a beautiful holiday story by Benji Davies. It introduces kids to some fun narrative techniques by telling the stories of a snowflake and a little girl, each longing for their special places in the world.
16. La Mejor Navidad
La Mejor Navidad is the story of Little Bear and his family. They're going through a tough time and don't have money for Christmas presents. Little Bear still believes in Santa, and he makes sure that his loved ones still have something special on Christmas day. This is a sweet one and a great book to read to remind our littles of the spirit of the holiday season.
17. El Tren de Invierno
I love Susanna Isern - she's an amazing Spanish author and has written some of our favorite heartwarming books like Abrazo de Oso and Ponte en mi Lugar. El Tren de Invierno is a lovely winter book features a group of animals catching the train to warmer destinations only to discover that one of their friends is missing! The illustrations by Ester Garcia make it even more special.
Spanish Language Holiday Chapter Books
18. Perro Apestoso, Feliz Navidad
Perro Apestoso is a very popular series in Europe (originally in French, but with wonderful Spanish translations), and this Christmas story is one that is on my to read list this year! I love these types of chapter books because you can do a chapter a day and extend the joy!
19. Agus y Los Monstruos Feliz Navidad
Agus and his friends have to save Christmas when the evil Dr. Brot tries to take it away. We've read other books in this series of graphic novels that combine text and dialogue, and Agus y Los Monstruos Feliz Navidad is a chapter book that I just ordered and am looking forward to reading with my kiddos. Will report back!
20. El diario de un gato asesino, Feliz Navidad
If you love the Diary of a Killer Cat series - good news - it's available in Spanish! El diario de un gato asesino, Feliz Navidad is the Spanish language Christmas book in the series! We just picked it up and will report back once we've had a chance to read it!
21. Es Navidad, Stilton
If you have a reader who is just starting to do chapter books, this is a great series to check out! This series has a good amount of words on each page but still features lots of pictures! Geronimo Stilton has some big Christmas Eve adventures in store!
Spanish Language Holiday Books about Los Reyes
23. Si los Reyes Magos no tuvieran sus camellos
This book is part of a series called El Mundo de Lucía, and there's a similar one about Santa Clause called Si Papá Noel no tuviera su trineo. Lucía and María love Christmas, but they worry about how the Reyes would be able to bring all of the children their gifts if they didn't have camels! I appreciate that this one is originally in Spanish!
24. Los Reyes Magos
This is a very short story, but it is BEAUTIFUL as is everything by Meritxell Martí and Xavier Salomó. This could be more of a decorative item even than just a book! It's a pop-up series so if little kids tearing out pages and flaps bothers you, maybe skip this one! But if you want a beautiful book about Los Reyes Magos, check it out!