Mama Llama Linguist's Summer Reading Challenge Picks!

Hola y'all!
I'm Corrie, founder of Mama Llama Linguist, a blog dedicated to sharing resources for learning Spanish at home. I'm so excited to have been invited to share our book picks for Marina's Spanish Summer Reading Challenge!
This kind of thing gets me all giddy and my inner bookworm nerd comes out!
Some of our book picks come from Amazon and others from my Mama Llama Book Club which is my Usborne Books & More storefront, you can check it out here.
Without further ado, here are our bingo square book picks:
Leer un libro con rimas
We're reading Pio Peep. We have loved this beautiful book of Spanish poetry for months now. It honestly never gets old and I feel like it's just going to be one of those nostalgic books for my family in the years to come. The poems are authentic to the latinx culture and the illustrations are stunning.
Oooh and this book is also bilingual, but what I love is that the English translations of the authentic hispanic poems are not literal translations, but rather a poetic re-creation: which means no awkward, non rhyming literal translations. Phew!
The introduction explains ‘to preserve the charm of the original rhymes (…) in some instances, the details are different, but the re-creation remains true to the essence of the original.’
Just a few of our favorites include “Pito, pito, colorito”, “De colores”, “El barquito” and “Cucu”.
Leer un libro en la oscuridad con una linterna
We're reading Secretos de la Costa by Kane Miller Publishing. The UBAM Shine-A-Light series is quite possibly our all time favorite. Shine a flashlight behind each page to reveal hidden creatures and objects! This book explores the coast and all the creatures that hide under the rocks and in the reefs.
See it here in my UBAM bookshop.
Leer un libro a tu peluche favorito
We are reading this super fun latinx version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Abuelo y Los Tres Osos. It came in our July Hola Amigo Box and tells the tale of 'Trencitas' who goes to the three bears' house only to find frijoles instead of porridge! It's a super fun adaptation and my kids and I giggled the whole way through. It won't disappoint!
Leer un libro en el parque
We are reading Aventuras en el aire libre- by Usborne. It is such a fun book full of awesome ideas and activities for doing outside in nature. It has suggestions and advice for enjoying yourself and learning in the great outdoors- away from walls and screens!
See it here in my UBAM bookshop
Leer un libro de no-ficcion
We are reading Aquí y allá - a Kane Miller book from my UBAM shop. This book is perfect for anyone raising cultured kids! It really opens up our children's eyes to the different ways of life and customs in our world. Readers get to explore the diversity of the people and cultures from how people buy food, go to school and even how they vacation.
See it here in my UBAM bookshop.
Leer una receta
Photo credit: Oli Zepeda: NIÑOS AL NATURAL
We love the weekly Spanish pre-K resource bundles from Ninos al natural. Each week includes a series of Waldorf inspired activities and writing practice sheets AND a lovely recipe, all themed around a letter of the alphabet.
You can read my guest interview with Oli here.
See her 'P de Pan Dulce' here.
Leer un libro contra el racismo
We are reading ¿Por qué yo soy yo? - a Scholastic book. This book is truly the most beautiful celebration of diversity and is the perfect choice for building bridges of empathy. It tells the story of two children who are thinking and asking the very same questions, although they don’t realize it.
It is such an important message that this world needs connection, empathy and kindness.
Leer un libro que se trata de las emociones
We're reading 'El Abece de las Emociones'. This exciting exploration of different emotions helps young children learn to answer the question 'How are you feeling?' in a lively and engaging way. We have really been able to nurture our kids' empathy and self-awareness with this book. We have also learnt lots of adjectives in Spanish!
See it here in my UBAM bookshop.
That was so much fun y'all! I hope you enjoyed it and you will join in this fun reading challenge! Thanks to Lufi & Friends for organizing!
Un abrazo,