Our favorite musical picture books

I love musical picture books! Not only are they wonderful for helping kids pick up more words and develop their language skills, they are also amazing if your little one has trouble sitting through a regular picture book and is still developing their attention span. These are my 5 favorites, in no particular order!
1. What a Wonderful World by Bob Thiele, George David Weiss, Tim Hopgood (as sung by Louis Armstrong)
This beautiful song is matched my equally beautiful illustrations. This book is my happy place, and although I'm a terrible singer, I can't help but sing along to this one.
2. Go, Go Pirate Boat by Katrina Charman and Nick Sharratt

This silly pirate story can be sung along to the tune of Row, Row, Row your Boat. I love this silly series that includes Car, Car, Truck, Jeep (to the tune Ba ba black sheep) and The Whales on the Bus (to the tune of the Wheels on the Bus).
4. Your Personal Penguin by Sandra Boynton

This is one of my favorite Sandra Boynton books and the fun song is sung by Davy Jones of the Monkees!
5. The 12 days of Thanksgiving by Jenna Lettice and Colleen Madden
This sing-along book to the tune of the 12 days of Christmas is seasonal, but we bring it out year round. It's super cute, and I love the theme of gratitude! We have a few others from this series, and they're all lovely and fun to read! They also have stickers in the back which is always a win in our household.