Pre-Order: Set of 2 Ukrainian books that sing (Ships in early November)

$36.00 $32.00



Save 10% with our Ukrainian Books that Sing bundle!  Please note this set is currently available for pre-order and will ship in early November.

You'll love this set of books that sing for your little one or as the perfect gift for a little one or teacher!

Lufi & Friends' books that sing:

  • Provide an immersive Ukrainian language experience
  • Look like books, not toys, so they cultivate a love for books and reading
  • Feature beautiful vocals and music by native speakers
  • Have unique and vibrant illustrations by native speaking artists
  • Are lightweight and portable for use in the car, stroller or even on the changing table

This bundle includes 2 books and a total of 12 songs!

  • My first Ukrainian book that sings traditional songs which includes Сорока-ворона (Magpie crow), Подоляночка ( Подоляночка), Іди, іди, дощику (Go, go rain),Вийди, вийди, сонечко (Come out, sun), Два півники, два півники (Two roosters), Печу, печу xлібчик (Baking, baking bread)
  • My first Ukrainian book that sings lullabies which includes Ой люлі, ой люлі, налетіли гулі (Oh lyuli, oh lyuli, the pigeons flew in), Повішу я колисочку (I will hang the cradle), Ой ходить сон коло вікон (Oh the dream walks near the windows), Ой спи, дитя, в колисоньці (Oh sleep, baby, in a crib), Гойда, гойда-гой, ніченька іде (Goyda, goyda -goy, night goes), Котику сіренький (The grey kitten)


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