Backordered: Set of 2 Ukrainian books that sing (Ships in April)

$38.00 $34.00




Save 10% with our Ukrainian Books that Sing bundle!  Please note this bundle is on backorder and will ship in April.

You'll love this set of books that sing for your little one or as the perfect gift for a little one or teacher!

Lufi & Friends' books that sing:

  • Provide an immersive Ukrainian language experience
  • Look like books, not toys, so they cultivate a love for books and reading
  • Feature beautiful vocals and music by native speakers
  • Have unique and vibrant illustrations by native speaking artists
  • Are lightweight and portable for use in the car, stroller or even on the changing table

This bundle includes 2 books and a total of 12 songs!

  • My first Ukrainian book that sings traditional songs which includes Сорока-ворона (Magpie crow), Подоляночка ( Подоляночка), Іди, іди, дощику (Go, go rain),Вийди, вийди, сонечко (Come out, sun), Два півники, два півники (Two roosters), Печу, печу xлібчик (Baking, baking bread)
  • My first Ukrainian book that sings lullabies which includes Ой люлі, ой люлі, налетіли гулі (Oh lyuli, oh lyuli, the pigeons flew in), Повішу я колисочку (I will hang the cradle), Ой ходить сон коло вікон (Oh the dream walks near the windows), Ой спи, дитя, в колисоньці (Oh sleep, baby, in a crib), Гойда, гойда-гой, ніченька іде (Goyda, goyda -goy, night goes), Котику сіренький (The grey kitten)


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