My first Italian book that sings lullabies


My first Italian book that sings lullabies is backordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.

My first Italian book that sings lullabies features 6 favorite Italian lullabies for children. 

Features the lullabies:

  • Stella, stellina (Star, little star)
  • Ninna, nanna, ninna oh (Lullaby)
  • Brilla, brilla una stellina (Twinkle, twinkle little star)
  • Bolli, bolli, pentolino (Boil, boil, little pot)
  • La campana di fra'Simon (Brother Simon's bell)
  • Fra' Martino (Brother Martin)

This book makes the perfect gift for the bilingual baby or toddler in your life! 

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